Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rachel Crites and Rachel Smith

Please add Rachel Crites, our neighbor's grandchild in Charleston, West
Virginia to the CUE list of missing children.

Thank you,

Jim Dunn

>Hi Everyone,
>You can do Mary Ellen and I a great service if you could circulate
>the attached poster of our grandchild [Rachel Crites] to anyone you
>can think of particularly people in West Virginia and particularly
>around Charleston where the two girls were last spotted yesterday.
>Naturally, we are hopeful the girls will be found unhurt and will
>return to their homes in the Maryland area.
>Rachel is our daughter Kathryn's child. Kathryn lives in Italy but
>she returning to the States to help in the search.
>Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated.
>Leo and Mary Ellen Cornelius

Walt Natzic
209 Osprey Circle
St Marys, GA 31558

Telephone: (912) 882-2710
Fax: (912) 673-6147
email wnatzic@tds.net

Have been found



Father asks other parents to note signs of depression in their children and to act on it.


Died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. The Rachels were wonderful young ladies and they will be missed dearly.

Marcia said...

Gone too soon

May have been found

Marcia said...

Gay kids when in their teens are at an age when they are most vulnerable. They have to know they're not alone especially living in a small town. Along with scorn from their family, peer pressure is another problem. They are suppose to be dating boys and if any of their friends find out about them, then they were made fun of. Words like "dike" and "lesbo" can really hurt. I don't think they were ashamed just scared to let their parents and friends know. People should make it plain to their children that no matter what lifestyle they choose they will be loved in spite of what people say or think. Parental support is the most important thing to the young, if they aren't shown support they could lose them like these girls. Thank God my family was understanding and supportive of me and if people don't like me because of the way I am it's their loss. I'm a nice person..lol


A Cry for Help