Tuesday, November 07, 2006



You never have to be alone
you never have to fear
You are as close as a mouse click
to the friends who hold you dear

Through this door is friendship
through this door you will find.
A world of Angels who are waiting,who have your happiness in mind

Come right in and stay a while
please leave us a post or two
Here you'll find helpful hintsand might learn a thing or two

Some days we may be quite silly,some days we may be a little bad.
But we always enjoy the companyand the discussions that we've had

The friendships here are solid
the friendships here are strong.
We are a universal neighborhoodwith a kind and healthy loving bond

If you need a shoulder to lean on or someone with a listening ear
We are always here to hold you up
because we are the

Angels That Care

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A Cry for Help